This Channukah season I, Ami Sher, will be participating in Jump for Chai for the children of Chai Lifeline Canada and in Israel. It is my Bat Mitzvah year and I want to make an impact.
I am really excited to be planning and running this 'kids helping kids' event where in addition to the activities I will do, I will be able to choose how the money I raise will be used to benefit a child or family.
When a child is born or diagnosed with a serious illness, the entire family is affected. Families literally can be torn apart as one parent moves into the hospital to be with the sick child. Siblings, already worried about a brother's, sister's or parent's health, suffer greatly when their daily routines are disrupted. Chai Lifeline Canada steps in, offering whatever is needed, bringing light, laughter and happiness into the darkest times. This organization does incredible work and provides support to children who are battling serious illnesses as well as children who have lost a parent. I am very fortunate that I will be able to choose how a family will benefit from the funds I raise.
In helping me reach my fundraising goals, you are also helping to support the Chai Warriors and their families.
Ami, we are so proud of your work!!!
We are looking forward to seeing all the good this will do for the kids.
We wish you an amazing Bat Mitzva year; this is the year you take on more responsibility. We love you and are proud of who you’ve become.
Keep this up!!
Abba, ema and Kai.
Grant Stajer$50
Sorry for the delay in sending over something to help you hit your goals
Very Best to you !!
Neil Closner
Nevin Dunn$360
Evolve Camps$180
So proud of you Ami!
Ori Goldman
Carmite Cohen$118
Kol Hakavod Ami!!!
Joanna Brindle$180
Mazel Tov Ami!!
Dan Mayer$1,000
Great cause Ami.
Linley Ali$100
Gordon White$100
The world needs more people like you Ami!
Jeremy Friedberg$180
Well done Ami!
Alan Friedman$108
Carrie Dickenson$180
Carrie Dickenson$180
david posner$180
Alexandra MacDonald$180
Great Work Ami!
Liat Raisberg$120
Edan Sher$100
Good luck with raising money for a wonderful and needed cause!!