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Sophie Cash

Welcome to Sophie Cash's Page


Sophie Cash

As I approach my Bat Mitzvah year, I am learning what it means to be a good person that can make a difference in the world. 

On Sunday December 8th, together with my Bat Mitzvah club, I will be running Jump for Chai to benefit the children of Chai Lifeline Canada.  I am really excited to be planning and running this 'children helping children' event where I will be able to choose how the money I raise will be used to benefit a child or family.

When a child is born or diagnosed with a serious illness, the entire family is affected. Families literally can be torn apart as one parent moves into the hospital to be with the sick child. Siblings, already worried about a brother's, sister's or parent's health, suffer greatly when their daily routines are disrupted. Chai Lifeline Canada steps in, offering whatever is needed, bringing light, laughter and happiness into the darkest times. 

I am honoured to help raise awareness and funds for Chai Lifeline Canada. This organization does incredible work and provides support to children who are battling serious illnesses. I am very fortunate that I will be able to choose how a family will benefit from the funds I raise. 

In helping me reach my fundraising goals, you are also helping to support the Chai Warriors and their families.

XOXO Sophie


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raised of $2,800 goal

Recent Donations

Garage Living$540
Altshuller family
Mazel Tov Soph! We are proud of you! ❤️ Auntie Bec, Uncle David, Maya, Ezra and Zev
Jackie and Zak Klinghoffer$360
Lauren Blustein$90
Erin Klinghoffer
Kayla Rochkin$72
The most incredible initiative from the most incredible girl.
Naomi Lieberman$180
Sophie, you have picked such an important and special charity. We are so happy to support your fundraising efforts. Xo Lieberman Crew
Ted Cash
We are so proud of you, Sophie for doing this bat Mitzvah project!!!! Tata snd Saba
Rachel Goldenberg
Cindy Leder$250
Kol Hakavod, Sophie!!! What an incredibly beautiful gesture for your bar mitzvah project. Helping kids is an amazing way to give back while hellping others. It makes one feel good. YOU are a superstar and we love you so very much !!!! 🫶 xo Aunty Cindy & gang
Alana and Justin Cohen$72
So proud of you soph xo
Sharon Klinghoffer
Great job Sophie!!! So proud of you.
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Team Bat Mitzvah Girls
