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Bishop Strachan School

Our Jump for Chai 2024 Team Page


Bishop Strachan School

This Chanukah season we will be participating in Jump for Chai for the children of Chai Lifeline Canada. 

We are really excited to be planning and running this 'kids helping kids' event where in addition to the activities we will do, we will be able to choose how the money we raise will be used to benefit a child or family.

When a child is born or diagnosed with a serious illness, the entire family is affected. Families literally can be torn apart as one parent moves into the hospital to be with the sick child. Siblings, already worried about a brother's, sister's or parent's health, suffer greatly when their daily routines are disrupted. Chai Lifeline Canada steps in, offering whatever is needed, bringing light, laughter and happiness into the darkest times. This organization does incredible work and provides support to children who are battling serious illnesses as well as children who have lost a parent. We are very fortunate that I will be able to choose how a family will benefit from the funds we raise. 

In helping reach our fundraising goals, you are also helping to support the Chai Warriors and their families.


raised of $10,000 goal

17 Participants

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Recent Donations

Craig Meeds$180
John Klass$500
Joanne Glazer
Alexander Blanchard
Wishing you good luck, JF
marnie fuchs$180
Noah Lewis$50
Susan Greenbloom
Allison Carr$50
betty gerstein$50
Chris Clark$180
Nicki and Stewart Lyons$100
Solomon/Watkins Family$36
Patrick Bartlett$180
The Kavelman Fonn Foundation$3,600
So proud of your dedication to Chai Lifeline and Live To Give.
Sara Bederman$540
Ella Plotkin$100
Nicola Scott$180
Randi Morris$180
What a worthy cause.
Adam Lefler$100
Marc Lefler$540
Rhonda Caplan$54
Gail Caplan$54
robert Racko$100
Great cause
Rhona Pearl$36
Happy to support this wonderful initiative !
Joanne and Harley Eisman and Family
Shari Lester$54
What a great cause!
Joanna Rotenberg$180
Great initiative Emma!
Beth Hawk
Jennifer Shecter
Daniel Stern$180
Yashir Koach, Emma, you are doing great work with this project!
Marlene Morrison Nicholls$180
melissa hershberg$180
Elana Pearl Ben-Joseph$36
Great work. Happy to support this wonderful cause!
So proud of you! Love you Nana and Des
Melanie Segal$180
So proud of you Emma! Xo
Sondy Taran$50
Yasher Koach Emma! ❤️
Karen Rosen$180
Way to Go Emma. Xoxo, Karen Rosen
Suresh Amin$100
Way to go Aishi
Sam London$100
Marsha Cowan$100
Wishing both Abby and Liv good luck with your project
Meena Patel$200
Aishi you are doing a great job
Grinblat Family$360
We are proud of you Aishi and Jaymie for doing this!!
The Fleisher Family$100
Hi Summer, Happy to support your fundraising efforts! Good for you. Love Laurel, Danny and the boys and their GFs
Kirit Patel$100
Hi Aishi: this is a wonderful cause.
Lorne Climans$75
Earl and loren Gorman$180
David Dolson$180
John and Rosie Uster$200
Jump as high as the sky Bubie and Zaidie
Mindy Kline$180
Adelheid Kavelman$180
So proud of you for doing this, Summer.
Pamela A. Hastings$540
Go Bea Go! Love Randy, Pam and Max the Dog
Brian and Valerie Whitefield$180
Go Bea go!!
Romy Frisch$50
Proud of you!!
Rhonda Pearl
wayne rudson$180
Great cause Summer! Good luck!😊
Great job Tea!! Love you xo
MoMa and Pops
Good luck Tea! Wonderful cause to raise money for. Keep up the great work!
Finn, Indy & Vienna$180
We’re so proud of you Tea!!
Steven Uster$100
Gity & Fred Darvish$360
Lily & Michael Uster$360
Chahrzade Darvish
Mary Caroleo$180
Mel & Rhonda Pearl$500
Katy diamond$218
Merrill Lyons$50
Good luck Julia!! xoxo
Merrill Lyons$50
Good luck with your fundraiser! xoxo
Guido Raccah$1,000
We are so proud of you Mia! We love you very much, The Raccah Family Ella, Gavi, Zev, Leo, Teddy, Liev and Ellie
Samantha Freedland
Tammy Fortis
Caroline Burn
Way to go, Bea!
Sandra Lyons$180
What a good thing you are doing
Sandy Lyons$180
Keep up this very good work
From Mia perez and family$540
Michael and Ashley Pearl$180
Isabella Brik$180
Lisa Manning
Evelyn Ernest$72
Very proud of you !
H and l Fineman$75
Zev Gitalis
Tory we applaud you for helping to raise money for this great cause!
Heather Lyons
Heather Lyons
Joyce Tanner$100
lilly cassaro$15
Love you.
Amanda Silverstein$180
Go Bea Go!
maya cranley
David Kaiser$50
Go for it Bea - Good luck, Love Milton, Susan & Richard
Elisa Cogan$50
Way to go Bea!
Allen Rubin$100
Go Bea Go…From Sasa and Pa
Sandra title
You are a fine young lady ,taking time to collect donations for the chailifeline cdn. Well done
Lindsey Title$50
Good luck Kera- we love you!
Tate Rutledge$50
Adam, Beth and Meryn
Great initiative Kera!
Daphne Kaiser$10
Hope this helps!
Gay Lokash
Ivey, such wonderful giving of your time, many skills and boundless compassion! We love you always Nana and Papa
Steven Singer$118
Good for you Ivey!
Enid Grant$100
Go Ivey. So glad to support the wonderful work you are doing.
Jennifer Lokash$180
I love you and I love your commitment to this work!