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Forest Chavergal 2010

Our Jump for Chai 2024 Team Page


Forest Chavergal 2010

This Chanukah season we will be participating in Jump for Chai for the children of Chai Lifeline Canada. 

We are really excited to be planning and running this 'kids helping kids' event where in addition to the activities we will do, we will be able to choose how the money we raise will be used to benefit a child or family.

When a child is born or diagnosed with a serious illness, the entire family is affected. Families literally can be torn apart as one parent moves into the hospital to be with the sick child. Siblings, already worried about a brother's, sister's or parent's health, suffer greatly when their daily routines are disrupted. Chai Lifeline Canada steps in, offering whatever is needed, bringing light, laughter and happiness into the darkest times. This organization does incredible work and provides support to children who are battling serious illnesses as well as children who have lost a parent. We are very fortunate that I will be able to choose how a family will benefit from the funds we raise. 

In helping reach our fundraising goals, you are also helping to support the Chai Warriors and their families.


raised of $13,000 goal

14 Participants

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Recent Donations

Terry Cook
Well done Londyn
Jeremy Donath
Lauren Shleifman
Yay Lill! We so proud of you! Xo
Zoe Mandel
Randy Buckley$150
Cayla Copeland & Josh Silver
Great job Marly!
Barbara & Marty Sversky$180
We are very proud of you Marly. Love, Bubbie Barbara & Zadie Marty
Tammy Baruch$136
Proud of you Char, we love you!
Philip Schwartz$140.73
Beverly Little$180
Marly, we’re proud of you for helping others!
Michally Iny$100
Good for you Marly!!!
Terry Green
Daymon Loeb$100
Lorne Burnett
Alexis Dean$50
Great work Lola! Such a wonderful cause!
Joy and Mike Lipkin
This is a wonderful organization! Hope you reach your goal!
Noel Golden$100
In the immortal words of Van Halen - “go ahead and jump”. Love, uncle Noel, Danielle, Rhys and Charlotte
Diandra Green$118
Joseph Burnett$360
Mel Brooks$50
Love you baby girl. Always so proud of you.
Brenda Dales
Great work Bailey. I love you and I'm very proud of you.
Ilana Lipkin
Dara Siegel$36
Earl Golden$100
Way to go, Lola!
Marni appleby$36
Michael Cooper
Mazel Tov Sadie! With love, The Cooper
Rob & Mindy Little$100
Justine Grossman$100
Steven Picov
Dani Lipkin
Robert Beder$118
We are proud of your participation in this worthy endeavour. Sharron and Robert Beder
Raj Joshi$51
Naomi Pascoe
Way to go Bailey! So proud of you!
Haley Draper$50
Great work Scar!
Heather Rosen$54
What an important charity …so proud that you are raising money for it👍 Love you 🩷💕
Noel Rosen
Hannah Papernick$100
Good luck on your fundraising. God bless x
Joy Cantor$118
Way to go Lilly! ♥️
Allen Kharlip$200
Way to go Londyn, super proud of you
Ilana Rabie$180
Meytal Algranri$72
Adam and Lindsey Beder
Way to go Dyl. xoxo
Lisa Lipkin
Lindsay Shienfiend
Cheers to you for taking the initiative for this worthy cause. Very awesome of you.
Phillip Haid
Way to go Lola!
Lauren & Jamie Wise
Maria Stamatiou
Nicole Rosen
Uncle Mike and family$50
A very worthy cause. Good for you Lilly!
Sarah Chris$36
Gail Goldfarb$100
We are so proud of you Dylan that you are helping yo raise money for this great cause.
Eden Dales$81
Way to go Bailey!!! Great effort for a very important and meaningful organization.
Cara Pasternak$26
Go Lo đź©·
Alison Beder Solway$36
Good Luck Dylan!!
Tracie Graff$100
Great job Marly! Tracie
Lily Pila$100
I am so proud of you! Love, Bubbie
Phyllis Cox$118
Lovely Saie!
Karen Baruch$180
Carolyn Pascoe
S Frankel
Michelle Foster$180
Dear Char We are always so proud of you Guggy and Pops xo
Ken & Marilyn Picov
Mark Swartz
Weisz Family$540
SO PROUD of you Sienna!! XOXO
Lindsay Collis$72
Yael Baruch$100
So proud of you!
Rick Nadel
Sasha Weisz$540
Sienna, very proud of you! Keep up all your good works! Love you! Bubbie Sasha
Melissa Cutler$36
The Kozman family - Kris, Dave and the boys$250
So proud of you Lilly!
Ashleigh Reznick
Good job Lo!!! Proud of you!!!
Daniel Glazerman$180
Jessica Bortnick
Stacey Cohen$50
Turk Family$118
Keep up the good work Sienna!!
Rebecca & Joey Shapero$72
Good luck Londyn!
Dottori-Attanasio Family$1,080
So very proud of you Lily!
Shelley Baruch$180
Lara Katz
Mazel tov on fundraising for a great cause.
Barry Singer$118
What a great cause!!!
Sarah Morris
Go Londyn! Skippy skipperson! Xxxxx
Horwood family Horwood$500
Sharon Baruch$180
Lillian Sversky$180
Robyn Feldberg
Fern Szpirglas
Harvey Wise$100
Larry Torkin$180
Michael & Alexis$360
maya cranley
Aarin and Michael Goldfarb$180
Go Dyl!!
Maxine & Barry Tissenbaum$150
Matt and Justine Golden$180
Michael Golden$35
Debbie Pila
Michael Kessel$72
I love Charley and everything she does.
Sharon Kessel$140.49
Certainly a good cause to be donating to!!! Hope you reach your goal!!! Love you, Grandpa Herb & Grandma Sharon
Alex &Janeth Henry$118
Very proud of you Sadie!
Leslie Zborovski
Lindsay Ram$18
Susan Melvin$360
Ii am so happy to be able to support such an important organization…giving light and hope to all the children in need.
Go Scarlett and all your friends. Such a special Mitzvah! Xo
Jeff Cox
Good job Sadie!
Cathy Muscovitch$136
What a great initiative, Lo!!
Mark Sharpe$36
Pauline Landen$50
What a great cause! I’m happy to donate.
Rachel Landen$36