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Camp Manitou

Our Jump for Chai 2024 Team Page


Camp Manitou

This Channukah season I will be participating in Jump for Chai for the children of Chai Lifeline Canada and in Israel. 

This is a terribly challenging time for the Jewish community. Our hearts and minds are with Israel day and night.
It’s hard to think of anything else right now, but Chai Lifeline is doing everything possible to make sure they have the resources to support families in need in Toronto as well as Israel.

I am really excited to be planning and running  this 'kids helping kids' event where in addition to the activities I will do, I will be able to choose how the money I raise will be used to benefit a child or family.

When a child is born or diagnosed with a serious illness, the entire family is affected. Families literally can be torn apart as one parent moves into the hospital to be with the sick child. Siblings, already worried about a brother's, sister's or parent's health, suffer greatly when their daily routines are disrupted. Chai Lifeline Canada steps in, offering whatever is needed, bringing light, laughter and happiness into the darkest times. 

This year, a portion of the proceeds raised will go to Chai Lifeline in Israel where many families have had to relocate due to the war. This organization does incredible work and provides support to children who are battling serious illnesses as well as children who have lost a parent. I am very fortunate that I will be able to choose how a family will benefit from the funds I raise. 

In helping me reach my fundraising goals, you are also helping to support the Chai Warriors and their families.


Jadyn Stern and Leni Pressman



raised of $10,000 goal

13 Participants

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Recent Donations

Layla Gutmann$72
Such an amazing cause! Great work Jax!
Alysse Unger$200
Good luck Jax! Great cause!
Lori Unger Gutmann$118
Such a great cause!
Jennifer Komlos$180
Jennifer Komlos$180
Alex and Marcia Burstein$180
We are very proud of you for helping others!
Betty Eisenstadt$180
Great cause! Ty for being involved and for just being you!
Happy to help
Natalie Pressman$75
Proud of you Leni! -Nati
Sharon Rubin$100
Good luck
Deborah Pressman$105
David Shapira$180
Stacey Shapira$180
Ethan Luepann$54
Sara Gelfand$180
madlen MARGAU$54
Great work Jadyn!
Spanier Family
Way to go Stella! xo
The Davidsons$360
Kol Hakavod Ashley
Howard Penn
Penn Family Great job Stella!!
Chana Zelewicz$72
Great cause Jadyn. Way to go! ❤️
Michelle Silver$36
Way to go Jadyn!💗
Ilana stern$54
Sharon Driman$180
Good Luck with your fundraiser, Dylan
Cilla Archa
Mark & Alana Katz$180
Proud of you!
Cole Diamond$180
We love you and are proud of you! Xoxo Cole, Shelby, Aidan, Jude and Hart
Michael and Janette Diamond$180
Way to go Stella!
Lisa Rosenberg
Shelley Winton$180
Debbie and Shawn Stern$540
Meyer & Michel Katz
wonderful cause
Creed Family
Naomi & Mark Driman$360
Sula Kogan$36
Honoured to sponsor such a good cause
Lesly Weinstein
Good work LENI! We 💕Chai LL
Hila Meisels
Dena Pollack$54
Lana Sherman$180
good luck!
Pressman Family$360