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Halle Davis

Welcome to Halle Davis's Page


Halle Davis

As I approach my Bat Mitzvah year, I am learning what it means to be a good person that can make a difference in the world. 

On Sunday December 8th, together with my Bat Mitzvah club, I will be running Jump for Chai to benefit the children of Chai Lifeline Canada.  I am really excited to be planning and running this 'children helping children' event where I will be able to choose how the money I raise will be used to benefit a child or family.

When a child is born or diagnosed with a serious illness, the entire family is affected. Families literally can be torn apart as one parent moves into the hospital to be with the sick child. Siblings, already worried about a brother's, sister's or parent's health, suffer greatly when their daily routines are disrupted. Chai Lifeline Canada steps in, offering whatever is needed, bringing light, laughter and happiness into the darkest times. 

I am honoured to help raise awareness and funds for Chai Lifeline Canada. This organization does incredible work and provides support to children who are battling serious illnesses. I am very fortunate that I will be able to choose how a family will benefit from the funds I raise. 

In helping me reach my fundraising goals, you are also helping to support the Chai Warriors and their families.

XOXO Halle



raised of $2,000 goal

Recent Donations

Allison Silver$180
Bissell Family$180
Kol Hakavod Halle!
Jessica, Daniel, Benjamin and Hailey Carman$100
Amy, Jon, Max, Jackson and Ruby West$100
What a great initiative! Mazel tov Halle!
Debbie and Gord Krofchick$100
What a great idea for a Bat Mitzvah Project. Mazel tov on your upcoming Bat Mitzvah. Love Aunt Debbie and Uncle Gord
Harris Krofchick$100
Mazel tov!
Matthew, Rachel, Hudson and Bash
Joanna Brindle$180
Mazel Tov Halle!!
Stacey Farber$180
Mazel Tov Halle. We are so proud of you!
Max Goodman & family$180
Great cause - well done Halle!
Karen Posner$360
Zaidy and I are very proud of you. All our love.
Carli Posner$360
Mazel Tov Halle!
Member of

Team Bat Mitzvah Girls
