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Robbie Beber

Welcome to Robbie Beber's Page


Robbie Beber

As I approach my Bar Mitzvah year, I am learning what it means to be a good person that can make a difference in the world. 

On Sunday December 8th, together with my Bar Mitzvah club, I will be running Jump for Chai to benefit the children of Chai Lifeline Canada.  I am really excited to be planning and running this 'children helping children' event where I will be able to choose how the money I raise will be used to benefit a child or family.

When a child is born or diagnosed with a serious illness, the entire family is affected. Families literally can be torn apart as one parent moves into the hospital to be with the sick child. Siblings, already worried about a brother's, sister's or parent's health, suffer greatly when their daily routines are disrupted. Chai Lifeline Canada steps in, offering whatever is needed, bringing light, laughter and happiness into the darkest times. 

I am honoured to help raise awareness and funds for Chai Lifeline Canada. This organization does incredible work and provides support to children who are battling serious illnesses. I am very fortunate that I will be able to choose how a family will benefit from the funds I raise. 

In helping me reach my fundraising goals, you are also helping to support the Chai Warriors and their families.




raised of $15,000 goal

Recent Donations

JILL Farber
MAZEL tov Robbie
brett beber$1,800
Dear Robbie, Mum and I are so proud of the work you and your Bar Mitzvah team are doing to help bring support and joy to children with health challenges and their families. Tukkun Olam, to help repair the world, is one of the most important of all the mitzvot and it is wonderful to see you taking on these responsibilities as part of your Bar Mitzvah journey.
Leslie Richmond$360
Yasher Koach, Robbie! And Mazal Tov to you and your family on your upcoming Bar Mitzvah! Much love, The Richmond Family xo
Elana Rose$360
What a wonderful charity. We wish you much luck in reaching your goal. Lots of love, Elana and Jeff
Lindsay Collis$180
This is wonderful, way to go Robbie! Best of luck on the bar mitzvah!
Lisa Gnat$360
Mazel Tov Robbie!! Amazing choice Xoxo
Jenna Beber
Mazel Tov Robbie!
Lauren Levy$360
Julia Kaberle$360
Laura Aaron$360
Way to go Robbie!
Sarah Collins$180
Mazel Tov, Robbie. XOXO Love & Hugs, Sarah, Yan and the girls
Cheryl Moldon$360
Mazel Tov on your upcoming Bar Mitzvah! What an amazing choice to support Chai Lifeline Canada for your mitzvah project. I’m honoured to contribute to a cause that helps families when they need it most. Wishing you all the best as you reach this exciting milestone!

Team Bar Mitzvah Boys
