Join us on sample date
Michael & Tara Bloom$1,100
Yasher koach Gavriella! You are amazing!
Audrie and mitchell Chad$72
Andrew Bloom$72
Maya Bloom$180
Go Gavriella!❤️❤️❤️
Ian Federman
Samantha Small$100
GO GAVRIELLA!!!! Love, your friends
Jay Millman$360
Stephen Turk$100
Eric Anhang$18
Seth Kadish$180
Jen and Leon Osiel
This is amazing!! Great cause and a beautiful tribute to your Aba! Z”l xox
Bryna and Brian Bloom$180
Kol Hakavod Gavriella Lots of love, Bubbie and Grandpa
Michael KLeinhandler$180
Snir & Laurenne Ghosalkar$20
Jonathan Ostro$180
Steve Ferrigni$100
Congrats. That must have been amazing!
Erin Lazer
Congrats on this amazing accomplishment!
John Anthony Zambon
Hi David. Long time no see! Congrats on a great fundraiser and a an even better cause. As per person scared of heights, you are the man!
Pearly & Jeff Chad$180
Way to Go Gavriella. We are very proud of you. LOL Bubbi P & Saba
Kammer Family$136
David Howarth
Well done, Dave! Congratulations on raising money for a great cause!
Marc and Talya Feldberg
Hope it is exhilarating! All the best of luck 💕
Alexandra Smith$18
John Adams
Awesome job supporting this great cause, David!
Gabriela Goldring$100
Amazing!! Go Jess Go!!A truly worthy cause!
Supporting the Cole Family...$360
The Mogul Family$250
Great work Jess!
Jeremy Herman$250
Murray Nightingale$100
Miriam Stein
Wishing you a wonderful adventure on the edge for such an amazing cause xo
Rosen Family$72
Rosen Family$72
Rosen Family$72
Kira Sher$72
In honour of Jared xoxo
Rachelle Silver$180
Good luck!!!
Adam and Jamie$36
Matthew Fisher$72
Hold on tight!
Yakov & Cindy Pshemish$72
We are so proud of you Shmuel!!
Donna Vaknin$24
Proos Family$100
Josh and Chaya Cole and family$1,800
In loving memory of Nathanel Avraham Shalom Ben Nachum Maimon, Pachtak Golani 13, a hero and warrior of Israel.
Miriam Citron$72
Way to go Marla!!
Caryn and Allan Friedman$100
Charna Nightingale$100
Way to go !!!!!
Matt, Lauren, Jake and Dylan$118